Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Quiet Before Cockfighting Storm

SAN MARCOS, Guerrero-- A judge prepares for a long night of cockfighting.

A man behind us at this palenque snoozed while we waited almost three hours for the cockfighting to begin at the Feria San Marcos, near Acapulco. We were working on a story, and though I felt like the only woman there, I wasn't. In fact, a few mujeres were peppered in the sea of male faces. And more surprisingly, children of all ages were present as well, cheering on their favorite bird well past midnight. Though cockfighting seems gross and wrong, you have to remember that I'm from Texas and my parents are from northern Mexico. I grew up seeing goat skin hang on trees in backyards and well, I'll leave it at that. Maybe that's why my hubby didn't even ask if I'd get squemish.

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